Happy Monday! With our event coming up *June 30th at the Boston Common,* we wanted to share exactly what the event aims to do.

For one, we aim to create a positive environment with music, lawn games, food, and more so that everyone can enjoy their day and can embrace a positive mentality. Secondly, we hope to fundraise so that we can start working on more events, having speaking engagements, and create partnerships that will truly help others get in contact with necessary resources. Lastly, we hope to show the world that everyone out there who is suffering is truly #NotAlone.

#NotAlone is a way to show those out there who are silently suffering that there are millions who understand their pain. It is a way for people that have not explained what they are going through, to let the world know that this is a daily struggle. It is a way for the community to come together, to embrace our illnesses, and to seek treatment. #NotAlone is a way to explain how we treat our mental health, be it medication, therapy, psychology, meditation, or any other way to treat mental illness.

Over the course of the last few years, I began branching out, sharing my story, and telling the world what I had been through. I noticed that more and more people came to me asking for advice, or simply trying to learn more about mental health. I learned that my experiences – while unique to me – had common feelings and pains that others who suffer from these mental illnesses had felt. It is through this lesson that #NotAlone was inspired.

It can be as simple as a tweet, a facebook post, or an article submission, but in the days leading up to our event, we want to hear everyone’s story. There is no story that is insignificant, that is too small, or that should not be told. If you are suffering, you can help others by sharing what you are going through and growing this great community together.

#NotAlone is not a challenge, it is not required, and no one is weak for not participating. We merely wish to showcase our growing cause; it needs to be discussed. Mental health is not something that should be hidden, swept under the rug, and left untreated due to fears of judgement. We wish to bring awareness to the forefront of your mind. With this, we merely hope to bring some of those who are afraid of speaking out that they truly have support and that there are many out there with similar experiences.

If you like, you can see an example through my first post at www.propositivity.com , and the most recent posts on our instagram and twitter page @propositivityUS. Hopefully, we can all show the world how large this community is, and we can try and help others get out of the painful situations they find themselves in. Please join us on June 30th on the Boston Common.

As always, you are #NotAlone. We are all in this together, and we will keep fighting, never give up, and we will create a more mentally health world.

Thank you,
Gene Grella

If you would like to submit a post for publishing on our website, we would like 500-700 words on any mental health issue you’d like to discuss! Click Here to submit!

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